Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Like the wind?

Let me just point out that this whole "paint like the wind" thing isn't working for me. Maybe a gentle breeze but I've got one more day.......and a gift to finish. arg. It's not because I've been putting it off either. It's all just taking longer than it seems it should. I guess that's the nature of art...oui?

We leave Thursday. I may need you to pray us through this.
I will not stress.....I will not stress............I will not............ Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...since I haven't seen you online and your blog has not changed...I'm assuming that you are still working on NOT being stressed!

My quilts are done, Mercy reception-done, quilt show reception-done, DH off on a stress has significantly dropped! 8^)
