Saturday, September 09, 2006

So far

So far this weekend I have mostly worked on that wool I got in the Spring. It came to me straight off the sheep and it is.......unpleasant. It didn't cost me anything but I'm not sure it was worth it. I'll know in the next few days. It's been a fun challenge to see if I can get it clean enough to spin without felting it.

If you think it looks scary, you should smell it.

Besides cleaning wool, I went shop-hopping with my Mom. It is a yearly phenomenon in which thousands of quilting women travel from quilt shop to quilt shop on a specified route, receiving pieces and instructions for a quilt block at each shop, along with signing up for a door prize (usually worth $100 or more). This year there were 2 "routes", each with 10 shops. If you get a stamp from each of the ten shops, you qualify for a drawing for some phenominal prize or another. I'm not sure if there was anything extra for doing all 20 except bragging rights. We did 5. It really was fun to spend the afternoon with my Mom and also to see all the great quilts and fabrics at the shops. I didn't even buy anything! Aren't you proud of me?

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Geraldine, wish you were here! (Though quilt shops in North Texas probably aren't nearly as fun as New Zealand is right now....hope you're having fun too!)

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