Friday, January 25, 2008

The Star.....

I just found this post in my Drafts. What? No wonder no one knew how it had gone!!! Here it is in retrospect:

Alright. To assuage your curiosity and tide you over until the video is ready, I'll give you the low-down on the play. It was, of course, really great. We went to and videoed both showings, one at 9:15am and one at 7pm. Isaac was home sick that day but we drug him out to both. Poor kid. That's probably why he still feels puny. For the 7pm showing, the Kisers came! Or should that be, "The Kisers came for the 7pm showing!"? Probably. Either way, they were here. They even spent the night! (they had a conference out this way) They worked nicely in lieu of grandparents. (No, they are not old enough; they just made a nice substitution.) :^P

O.K. The nitty-gritty. Josiah was fabulous!!! He was the only kid in the entire 5th grade who was not self-conscious at all. He couldn't have cared less how many people were watching, he was having a grand old time! His fidgeting, twitching, pulling on his costume and playing with the coon-tail on his fellow actor's costume were perfect for a dog character. He said his lines right on cue, with great inflection, and loudly. He was the loudest singer in the group and he was the only one who improvised choreography while doing his song. I laughed so hard I couldn't take pictures. (Don't worry, Todd got plenty of footage.) He really was the star of the show. I'm not sure what everyone who doesn't know he's autistic thought, maybe just that he's a ham, but all who know him were almost as proud as me! Warning: when we post the video, have a kleenex handy. Just sayin'. If the pride doesn't get ya', you'll be crying with laughter.


Rosie said...

Oh my god, that bear costume is ADORABLE!

Anonymous said...

Ah...but we _are_ old enough to be his grandparents. 8^&!

Teresa said...

No. You are not. Though sleeping through the performance did add to the grandparental aura.