Another meme

I only cheated a little. "Multiphase Flow" is a great band name but I threw in an extra word for the album name. "You Accept the Fact" just didn't sound right. I could have gone one word short too. "Accept the Fact" would make a good album name, is it not so? I also cheated on the picture. The first time I uploaded the page, the 3rd picture was the lamest one of all. It was a picture of unidentifiable food on a plate....but not even cool unidentifiable food. I refreshed the page. But only once...and I stuck with the 3rd pic, even though there were cooler ones on the page. Then I put it together in Word...which was not transportable...then I sent it all to Todd and let him put it together. O.K. So I cheated quite a bit. But I stuck with the spirit of the thing! And I'm passing it on. See?
Meanwhile, the world carries on. I just haven't really felt much like talking lately. I know. Not normal at all. Maybe tomorrow......or as Bob would say, "It'll be better tomorrow."
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