Friday, March 19, 2010

Josiah's Essay

Josiah Thomas

Admire Essay

I admire my friend in period 2 PE. I think he’s a great sports player when he plays any sport in my 2nd period class. I get to have him on my team sometimes.

He is especially good at basketball. I can imagine him dribbling and throwing shots. Sometimes I throw good shots too. He is good at every sport he plays. He is good at tennis, football and passing balls.

He is also very nice to me. He passes me the ball and I sometimes give him the ball so he can make shots. I give him good comments when he scores and he gives me good comments when I score. He scores more points than me but when I score he says, “Good job! You are doing great!” I don’t know his name, but I admire him a lot.


Kat said...

That is ADORABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute. Maybe he'll get brave and ask him his name.
Miss y'all,
Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Okay Darlin, Time for new post. How about bdayt pictures. Everyone's!.
love aunt YKW