Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day

Today was the first official day of school for our boys. As far as I can tell all went well. Hunter has a big list of things to whine about but also seems quite content. It's interesting having a 13 year old in the house.

Josiah, after much prodding and leading with pointed questions, leads us to believe that he had a good day and that everything went smoothly.

Isaac says, "My teacher is nice, unless you 'disbehave'." Perfect!

All-in-all I do believe we will survive this year. The only one who really had trouble today was Todd. He had to do some serious talking with himself to let Josiah get on that "big bus" and go all the way to Middle School. What a sweet dad! His worry helped me not to worry so much, know what I mean?

So. All is well. Off to lay out tomorrow's clothes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You got the best birthday present - happy kids! May the whole year go smoothly and blessed for all of you!