Our Cat
Our neighbor dropped in for a visit yesterday. She had come by to deliver a belated "welcome to the neighborhood" gift and stayed (with her standard-sized poodle) for a chat. She's a very nice lady who has a cat almost identical to ours (only male). She informed me that Su Chen is not a Burmese (they are short-haired) but is a Maine Coon. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and sure enough she is! Pretty cool. They are an American breed, very smart, very sweet and very large (Ours is bigger than our dog and the largest ever recorded was 4 feet long!). They are considered the easiest to train of the cat breeds and ours is supposedly more likely to play fetch than our Chihuahua....not hard, since he's pretty unlikely to play fetch. It's something I'll have to try soon.
Yay for having official documentation that our cat rocks!
Great minds think alike...lol...ok...so much for great minds! We adopted a year and a half old Maine Coon that is over 20lbs a couple of months ago. We're smatchies...lol...Love you and miss you girl!!
We had friends that paid about 1200 a piece for 2 main coons! No kidding.
They are such pretty cats! Too bad my husband is sooo alergic!
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