Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just so ya know....

We're settling in nicely here in Bethesda. We're still mostly in boxes but we're getting there slowly. Our toilets now flush properly, our doorbells no longer buzz 24-7 and our tile is almost finished! We have phone and internet and I caved in and allowed cable into my home....against my better judgment. Our kids have all of their school supplies and new shoes.....and school doesn't start until the 27th! Everyone is happy and healthy and Todd preaches his first sermon as the official pastor tomorrow morning at 11.

We're here. The only thing not running is my computer. We're looking for a good, narrow computer desk so we can set it up in the living room. So. No desk=no computer=no photos=no real blogging. I am taking pictures.

I'll blog soon!


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you guys, especially with Todd as he continues his preaching ministry. Bethesda is in for a treat!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear from you again. Just thinking about you as this week in knit night in Lewisville. We will miss you.

Anonymous said...

We miss you back here in TX, but it's good to know you are getting settled.