Saturday, November 25, 2006


Happy day-after-the-day-after Thanksgiving. I intended to write this on Friday but it's after midnight now so it'll come up as Saturday. Oh well. I was staying up waiting for Todd to come home (from his shift at Starbucks) and unraveling a sweater, which I must say is one of the funnest things I've done this year. 25 cents for a soft, fuzzy, pink sweater at the Thrift Store, a few snips, a lot of yanking and voila!, a whole lot of fuzzy pink yarn! LOVE IT!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was......well, parts of it were pretty good and others not so much. Todd had to work until lunch time so he drove down to his mom's after us. My day included such fun adventures as broken pickle jar, spilled pie filling, dumped pies, barfing kid and biting dog. I intended to tell you all about it but it's so late now that everything is a bit hazy. Just know that it was a good day, with lots of stories to tell afterward.

Today was a good and proper day-after. Wait, I mean yesterday was. Whatever. Friday we cleaned up, Todd hit the day-after sales and got most of what we want for the kids and we put up the tree. We even managed some "playing with friends" and thrift shopping. Life is good. I'm goin' ta bed.

'night ya'll.

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