Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I was going to blog this morning and then couldn't remember what it was I wanted to say.  I remembered tonight while we sat in on the Praise Team practice at Heritage. 
I miss our praise team from Montgomery.  They butchered a song here Sunday morning.  I can't even remember what it was, except that Terri Baker wasn't there to do the base line and I almost cried.  I'm crying now just thinking about it, isn't that silly?  That's the problem with going to a CofC here, it's too much like Grace Pointe to be blissfully unaware of how much I miss you guys.  Todd was miserable after church.  He is aching so much for his kids from GP, he just wanted to go get coffee so badly.  Sometimes it's harder than others.
Still no job news for Todd.  I'm signed up as a sub at the pre-school at Heritage.  We'll see how soon they call me.  Todd is enoying subsitute teaching so much that in his latest resume to a church near here he asked to be given a smaller salary and be allowed to continue subbing.   It's an interesting concept.  Maybe it'll catch their attention.  I hate to even hope any more.  Now I'm praying our landlord will let us out of our lease so we can find a two bedroom. 
 I know.  You don't even have to tell me.  I'm just trying to be honest.
I know he does amazing things with broken spirits, I'm just not used to being the broken one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Teresa-
We love and miss you guys, too. There are a lot of prayers going on for you guys to find the direction you seek so earnestly. It was so much fun to hear from Hunter this week. He is such a sweet heart- if fact, I think I'll send him a little note right now! Hang on and know that we love you!!!