Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Posting Error

I've come to an important blogging decision.  I am going to do most of my posting from Gmail from now on.  My last post was eaten when my computer disconnected itself from our wireless network and I was so mad I didn't even try to re-post it.  G-mail has a new auto-save feature that backs itself up every 60 seconds or so.  It may save my sanity, since there's no way I'm going to push the save button every minute myself.
The boys are out for "Fall Break" this week and have only managed to drive me out of my mind on a part time basis.  They've been pretty good.  Todd went for a "father and brother" bonding trip Saturday and Sunday to Snyder and had a blast.  While he was gone I did some travelling of my own.  I hate driving around the metroplex but I managed to drive myself and the boys to church in Arlington Sunday (45 minutes) and then to my mother's house in Euless (30 minutes) to eat lunch with my Aunt.  From there I drove us to Todd's sister's house in Ennis (1 hour) where we spent the night and hung out with family.  Monday I drove us home and now I feel so powerful!  I still hate driving, but I'm not as afraid now.  That's a good thing.
We've started a new break time tradition of taking the boys swimming after dinner every night.  We usually get there at about 7 and they close at 8 so it's just enought time to wear them out and come home and put them to bed.  I'm lovin' it!  I hope they know it's not gonna happen while they're in school but I'm going to do it every chance I get this week.  Hunter is the king of big brothers at the pool.  He plays like nuts with Josiah and especially with Isaac.  It is so much fun to watch.  I hope those are the times they remember most instead of the knock-down drag-out fights, though I know both are an integral part of growing up with siblings....just ask my mom.;-)
No news on the job front.  Keep praying.  I'm fighting the hopelessness that's trying to creep in.  I know it's ridiculous and I promise I know God's going to work it out, but it's there nonetheless.  Pray for us all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of your driving yourself and the boys around like that! I hate city driving so your now my new hero! The swimming thing sounds great. Is that a community pool? Hang in there on the job thing. WE're praying here. It's tough when there's a creative side that wants out, I know. I've had to push mine aside and teach it to come out only when invited while the bills get paid!!!! Funny how God has used that because now the creative abilities have become the source for the extra income needed at times. Hang on!!!!!! ps