Thursday, October 20, 2005

Instead of working....

These are some of the things I've been working on. The pears represent the ongoing saga. That pile are the pears I could reach with a chair. There are 10 times that many out of reach.
The two VanGogh's are 7x9. They both got a little cropped in the photo. I can't decide what to do for the 3rd in the series I want to make of them.
The wanna-be-quilt is an added time killer. I'm trying to arrange some of the 1/4 ton of fabric samples I've hauled around with us for years into quilts, preferably for sale. This one is made of really pretty tapestry fabric, with small metallic dots in most of the patterns. I just use the blocks as they are instead of cutting them into other patterns because each cut and subsequent seam reduces the size of the pieces. I want it to be a usable size. I'm trying to decide if I like this color arrangement and if and/or what kind of border I could use either around or between the blocks. They still have to be washed, pressed, measured, cut and sewn together, then quilted. It may be awhile.

These are the things I do instead of working at a job that would actually help support our family. I sometimes feel guilty about that, but not too much. I love being home with Isaac and being available for our other two.
Anybody wanna buy a really, really heavy quilt? It's made from fancy fabric! ;-) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teresa, Ms. Linda & I miss you too! I just read back a week or so and found what you wrote. Tell Isaac we miss him too. I will hug Linda Tues! Love you, Heather.
P.S. Tell Josiah I love & miss him! (me-Aunt Heather)