So the main reason my neighbor thinks I'm a nut may be this racoon....actually "these", there were two of them. I heard something in my trash and looked out to check. I saw that there were 'coons in my yard (a first for me, btw. how come I had to move into the CITY to get racoons in my yard?) and stepped out in my jammies to take a couple of pictures. After flashing a few shots I started trying to scare them away, you know, yelling, jumping, carrying on. It's cold. I'm up on my porch. I look up and on the other side of the fence from these racoons is my neighbor trying very hard to ignore me. I start trying to explain, but he won't make eye contact and hurries into his house.
Sigh. He's trying to sell his house and I wonder if sometimes he feels like Squidward in the Spongebob episode where he tries to sell his house.
And FYI, racoons do not care if you yell and jump at them. They look at you as if to say, "So?" If, however, you throw walnut shells at them, they will leave.
So will your neighbor.
Just sayin'.
And here we are cavorting in the leaves: