We had a great day at the beach yesterday! We headed to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. It was a first trip to Delaware for all of us. Delaware is nice. At least the part we saw. The beach was also nice but man that water was cold! And there were people everywhere! The boys had a great time, with minimal scrapes and bruises from the rough seas, and we fulfilled our "beach" requirement for the summer. Unfortunately, the only camera we thought to bring was Todd's cell phone. This is the best I could do for you:

These are a few shots of Todd's from our day at the zoo:

How did I get these shots from Todd? They came on my birthday gift...his laptop!!!!! He'll be using the church's laptop since it's Mac and easier to synch with all the Macs in the office. Yay!!! I have a laptop!....at least a long as he works here....which we hope is way past the life-span of either of these laptops. :-) He set it all up for me with a cute kitty clock widget and my name on everything and a great pic of me and the boys at the zoo for my wallpaper. What a sweetie!
We had birthday cake at church today and everybody sang "Happy Birthday". It was so fun! There are some definite advantages to attending a small church. Afterward, we had lunch at our favorite cafe. The boys got me "Matilda" on DVD, which I LOOOVE, and they helped me pick some yarn out of the bargain bin at AC Moore. I even got birthday baclava. What a fun weekend!
Hope yours was good too.