Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A GIRL?????
So, I walk back to my bedroom to put on my jammie pants and hear as I walk by my son's open bedroom, "Hi. Can I talk to (insert girl's name here)?"
I stand in the doorway of my bedroom, mouth open, staring in disbelief at his open doorway. He appears in said doorway with his phone on his ear, glimpses the look on my face, raises his eyebrows and slowly closes his door.
Not happening. N-O-T, do you hear me?
Posted by
7:20 PM
O.K. Here's some context:
It was a Wednesday night "Jesus Rocks" event put on by the children's worship team for church and those who attend our preschool to see some of what they do on Sunday mornings.
Shortly after the trash can band played, Todd rode his scooter through the auditorium. The kids went ape. It was a really great night.
Posted by
7:10 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Quote of the Day
If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.
Bill Vaughan
....which pales in comparison to what I heard in my class today:
"Mrs. Aweesa. I wuv you."
- Nicholas B.
It almost makes the hell of naptime with 12 squirming, screaming and/or snoring 2 year olds worth it, doesn't it?
Posted by
6:51 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Did I mention that Todd resigned as youth minister at Southlake a couple of weeks ago?
Probably not. When my best friend called me yesterday and asked, "Did your husband quit his job?" I realized that I had failed to mention it. Sorry 'bout that.
It just was not the fit we hoped it would be. We are staying at the church, we love this church so much!! There are no quarrels or disagreements, it just didn't work. Todd is working on some projects for the church still and will remain on salary for several more months. Please be praying for us as we seek our place in God's Kingdom.
Posted by
4:52 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
So far
So far this weekend I have mostly worked on that wool I got in the Spring. It came to me straight off the sheep and it is.......unpleasant. It didn't cost me anything but I'm not sure it was worth it. I'll know in the next few days. It's been a fun challenge to see if I can get it clean enough to spin without felting it.
If you think it looks scary, you should smell it.
Besides cleaning wool, I went shop-hopping with my Mom. It is a yearly phenomenon in which thousands of quilting women travel from quilt shop to quilt shop on a specified route, receiving pieces and instructions for a quilt block at each shop, along with signing up for a door prize (usually worth $100 or more). This year there were 2 "routes", each with 10 shops. If you get a stamp from each of the ten shops, you qualify for a drawing for some phenominal prize or another. I'm not sure if there was anything extra for doing all 20 except bragging rights. We did 5. It really was fun to spend the afternoon with my Mom and also to see all the great quilts and fabrics at the shops. I didn't even buy anything! Aren't you proud of me?
Geraldine, wish you were here! (Though quilt shops in North Texas probably aren't nearly as fun as New Zealand is right now....hope you're having fun too!)
Posted by
9:54 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
We finally got Josiah onto his Daddy's scooter. After weeks and weeks of:
"Hey, Josiah, you wanna ride to school on my scooter today?"
"Why not?"
"I'm scared."
"Why are you scared, Josiah?"
"It makes me windy."
Same conversation every morning.
Todd finally decided to shake things up by asking him ahead of time. The night before he asked, "Hey, Josiah, you wanna ride to school on my scooter tomorrow?" He was rewarded by,
We were flabbergasted! Yippee!!! Which is pretty close to what he yelled all the way to school that next morning. Now he's the one who asks to ride the scooter to school every day. He doesn't get to ride it every day but it's so cool that he wants to now....and he will get to sometimes.
You just never know with some kids.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
Birthday frog.
This is the frog my boys created at Build a Bear for my birthday.
Cute, isn't she? I have another shot or two of her by herself, but Isaac really wanted to get into the picture. I think it gives a sense of her size.
Now I have someone to knit for whose sweaters won't take 6 months to finish! She also won't care if the yarn's itchy.
Posted by
1:20 PM