Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Calling all nerds...
I've decided that I need a guest book. Just a place people can "sign in" and let me know they're reading my blog, without having to comment. Is there such a thing? I wonder if anybody reads when I don't get comments but then I hear "I read your blog last week and...."
I also know, for example, that Greg Newton has never once received a comment from me and, yet, I read his blog all the time. I also read Karyn's and Ellen's and Mark
Which reminds me...anyone else got a blog I can read? Anyone wanna start one but not know how? It's so easy. It's also a good way to journal and keep people updated on your life. Or, you could start an anonymous blog and say what you REALLY think. I've thought about doing that a few times, I think it would just be too hard for me to keep things really anonymous....and I don't have that much to say that I can't just say to everybody (as I'm sure you've figured out).
So anyway, if you decide to start a blog go to and just do what it says. Then let me know so I can read it!!!
Speaking of . really. Again with the cussing though. Just cover your eyes at that part and don't let your 10 year old play. I know I don't. And I have a whole other post about having a 10 year old boy. That'll come later.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Hooray for KoL being back up! Hooray for new site content! Hooray for temporal rifts and 200 adventures!
I want to post an image or two from my fav' game but I can't figure out how to do it. I'll have to wait for Todd to get home tonight and help me.....unless I decide to look it up online for myself. Bah. Too much thought involved. We'll see.
Todd has like 3 more interviews before he knows anything about the History Makers job. He's decided he just needs a job in ministry. duh. I've learned not to mind the lag time between what I say and his "flashes of insight". It allows him to think he thought this stuff up all by himself. It's good for him.
I love my husband! There are 15 million reaons why but getting to watch him discover himself is one of my favorites. I hope he enjoys watching me learn who I am too, especially since he's such an integral part of who I'm becoming. Isn't marriage cool? We're coming up on 14 years in about 2 months. I could wax profound about marriage here, but I'll spare you my insight. Especially since my littlest result of marriage is whining in my ear about playing on the computer. Maybe I'll bestow my wisdom upon you at some later date. You can hope my ADD kicks in and I forget all about it......huh?
Posted by
11:12 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
This is my haiku. Not because Todd wrote one, but because Kingdom of Loathing is down for maintance today and I am NOT happy about it. I had to go without playing for 4 days while our internet was down and now the game is down! Poor me. Anyway. This is because I miss my Haiku Dungeon, wherein lies the ever usable fairy gravy. None of which actually has anything to do with the contents of this Haiku.
Autumn is coming.
I dreamt about Africa.
I feel so homesick.
Posted by
10:17 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
Fun Quiz
I found this fun quiz on another Blog site today. It's not necessarily well written but it is fun to think about. I'm not sure I'd classify myself as Romans. I think I'm going to do some independent research and get back to you on that.
Meanwhile, you take the quiz and let me know what it tells you.
You are Romans.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by
12:45 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Instead of working....
These are some of the things I've been working on. The pears represent the ongoing saga. That pile are the pears I could reach with a chair. There are 10 times that many out of reach.
The two VanGogh's are 7x9. They both got a little cropped in the photo. I can't decide what to do for the 3rd in the series I want to make of them.
The wanna-be-quilt is an added time killer. I'm trying to arrange some of the 1/4 ton of fabric samples I've hauled around with us for years into quilts, preferably for sale. This one is made of really pretty tapestry fabric, with small metallic dots in most of the patterns. I just use the blocks as they are instead of cutting them into other patterns because each cut and subsequent seam reduces the size of the pieces. I want it to be a usable size. I'm trying to decide if I like this color arrangement and if and/or what kind of border I could use either around or between the blocks. They still have to be washed, pressed, measured, cut and sewn together, then quilted. It may be awhile.
These are the things I do instead of working at a job that would actually help support our family. I sometimes feel guilty about that, but not too much. I love being home with Isaac and being available for our other two.
Anybody wanna buy a really, really heavy quilt? It's made from fancy fabric! ;-)
Posted by
12:26 PM
Posted by
11:31 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
When I say pears.....
Didn't believe I had a TON of pears? I hope you can see them here. You can click on the photo to see it larger. It's nothing compared to the pile on the ground, but you don't want to see that, trust me. There are a few rotting on the tree as well. They keep the butterflies coming back. Our cat likes to watch them out the window of our bedroom.
Posted by
3:06 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Life goes on.
Posted by
7:49 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
For Linda
Isaac and I were on our way to a luncheon today and he was falling asleep in the car seat. Out of nowhere in a sleepy little voice he said, "Mama, I wish Ms. Linda lived in Texas." "Yeah?" I replied. "Me too baby."
So Linda Herzog, wherever you are today, we miss you. You and Heather hug each other for us.
Posted by
8:58 PM
Posted by
11:44 AM
Just Chillin'
The boys and I have been watching Blue Man Group in concert on DVD the last few days. It makes me feel Jungian and Artsy....and hip. It's fun to dance to as well which makes Isaac the dancer happy.
The weather has cooled a bit and I'm feeling much better. Both Hunter and Josiah wake up ready to go to school every day and that makes such a huge difference in how everything goes. I still don't feel like I actually live here, but I'm getting there.
We had a picnic Sunday with our church in Arlington and it was fun to get to sit around and just visit with folks. It was a glorious day, not too hot and not too cool and the kids ran around like nuts, with adults leading the way. We stayed until everyone's toddlers started wailing. We all came home exhausted and in good spirits. I like days like that.
I finally started painting again. My Dad asked me to paint a photo he found in a magazine of a tulip field so that's what I'm working on right now. It will take me awhile. There's a whole slew of tulips in that there field! After that I'll do something to sell. There are two shops near here that given me permission to bring some work in to show and possibly sell and I need to get on it before Christmas time hits full on.
Speaking of....Todd actually did all of our Christmas shopping last week! He went to Wal Mart and put everything on lay away for our boys and all the nieces and nephews. How odd, to have it all done before December 21st.
Well, since I'm feeling artsy from all that Blue Man Group stuff, I'd better get out to my "art desk" and get to work!
Sasa, ninafanyakazi! Queli? Ndio! Ninafanyakazi.
Posted by
8:15 AM
Friday, October 07, 2005
On being an Aunt
I got to keep Alicia's kids today while she and Todd went shopping. Alicia is Todd's sister and she has 3 kids, two girls and a boy. It was, of course, insanity having 6 kids but it's not something I've never done. I just shuffled them from room to room to garage to backyard. It worked fine.
The fun part was hearing the oldest call me from across the house. "Aunt Tereeeeesa!" I get to be an Aunt. A real one, not just some distant relative that gets seen twice yearly for a day. An aunt who spends all day hugging you and playing with you and yelling at you and everything. I love that! I love getting to be a part of my family for real, all the time. It rocks!
Posted by
9:00 PM
Unusual Depth
So. Todd has ditched the whole "cop" thing. He just accepted a position as a Manager in Training with Radio Shack. It's a decision I'm uneasy about on many levels. 1. I have never known anyone working in retail to make a living that would support a family. 2. Have we wimped out? By not doing something directly ministry related are we.....I don't even know how to ask the question. Are we finking out? I know God can use us anywhere, but it just seems almost impossible when you never know when you'll be available.
Not that he should have gone "cop". I think he came to realize that he was NOT suited for that. I still don't know. I still feel deep down that God has something more useable, more powerful out there for us. Maybe I shouldn't be in such a hurry. God never seems to be.
I just feel like I'm letting God down somehow. I guess that's a gimme, but you know what I mean. I'm not really looking for answers, just felt the need to express my questions. I think I'll go have a good cry in a dark corner somewhere and will probably feel much better for it. It's long overdue.
I know I could sure use some.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Feeling Better
Posted by
12:04 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Posting Error
Posted by
9:17 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
My really.
I need some advice. Are heart palpatations a normal part of all this pre-menapausal junk? All the rest has been just monthly. like insomnia and hot....well not true hot flashes, just more like over-heating. Last night I was burning up and Todd was freezing. That is definitely NOT normal.
So anyway, these heart palpatations are seriously getting on my nerves. They're like Braxton-Hicks contractions in that they don't hurt and don't debilitate me in any way, they just bug the snot out of me. They even keep me awake sometimes.
Is it stress? Is it hormones? Am I just out of shape? (I worked out twice last week, are you proud?)
Posted by
8:32 AM